Bodybuilding Protein - 3 Cheap, Easy Ways to Get More Bodybuilding Protein Into Your Diet

If you have spent much time trying to put on muscle mass, you have probably figured out that you need a very large quantity of bodybuilding protein to make significant muscular gains. Bodybuilders and their nutritionists tend to recommend an intake of anywhere from one to two grams per pound of bodyweight PER DAY. Unfortunately, most protein-packed foods tend to be dense, filling, inconvenient, and relatively expensive. It can be hard on your wallet, stomach, and schedule to get in all that you need to build muscle as quickly and efficiently as possible. Here are four cheap, easy ways for you to add more bodybuilding protein to your diet.
Drinking Egg Whites
This may sound disgusting, but unlike the yolks, plain egg whites have a very neutral flavor. Also, if you buy them pre-separated in a carton, they are usually pasteurized. I have found that the best, easiest way to consume raw egg whites is to just blend them with some ice, fruit, and some kind of sweetener. The shake goes down very easy, and depending on how many whites / cartons you use, this is a quick way to consume 50-100 grams of good bodybuilding protein.
Whey Protein Shakes
The most common type of bodybuilding protein that people consume as a shake is whey, a dairy byproduct of cheese production. While not as quality a muscle-building food as chicken, steak, or other meats, whey is the easiest food for adding protein to your bodybuilding nutritional regimen. If you can find a good deal online or in a bulk or wholesale store, it also will give you the cheapest cost per gram of this nutrient.
Canned Tuna (and how to eat it)
While certainly not pretty or particularly appetizing, canned tuna is your best bet for cheap, solid-food bodybuilding protein. Go for the "chunk light" type to get the cheaper and easier-to-eat option. One can usually has about 25 grams of protein for less than one dollar. I have found that the easiest way to consume a significant quantity of tuna is to just take very large bites, chew them a few times, and wash them down with a big gulp of water. It has too strong an odor for polite company anyway :)
As you probably noticed, I have placed a greater emphasis on convenience and cost than on taste. Though it is important for your sanity to indulge in some tastier meals and treats every once in a while, you are going to have to prioritize if you are serious about building muscle on a budget. Emphasizing these foods in your diet will keep the muscular gains coming without tapping too far into your hard-earned money and your spare time.
There are many nutritional strategies that you can use to build more muscle, burn more fat, and get the body you desire. Discover more ways to get lots of bodybuilding protein into your diet at


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