The Secrets to Building a Better Body - Introduction and Correct Exercise

The secrets to building a better body.
To be honest with you, there are no 'secrets'. No matter what you read in magazines and on the web about improving the shape of your body, there are only four areas that really need to concern you; correct exercises, correct nutrition, adequate rest, and the right mental attitude. That's it! That's all there is to it! No secrets, no magic potions! Millions and millions of dollars are spent trying to convince you otherwise. You will see in magazines new routines and exercises claiming to enhance muscle growth. There may be elements of truth in the claims, but most of these systems are really intended for the athletes who have already achieved significant amounts of muscle growth / levels of fitness. To use the analogy of a car, it's like taking your average family saloon and expecting it to perform better with alloy wheels and low-profile tyres. It just doesn't happen!
Still, it's all part of the dream. Deep down we all want to develop a physique similar to the male and female models on the covers of fitness magazines (I'm not talking here about the extreme muscle-builders - let's keep a realistic perspective). It is possible for anybody to improve his or her overall shape and strength through weight training. It just needs strict adherence to the four areas I listed above. Let's look at each one in turn:
1. Correct exercises.
When starting out, stick to the most basic exercises and perfect them. We're talking here about the bench press, the squat, the dumbbell curl, the triceps extension, the calf raise, etc. Think about the main muscle groups of the body such as the pectorals, the biceps, the quads, the abdominals, the shoulders etc. and do a little research to find basic exercises you could use. For example, shoulders respond best to seated dumbbell raises. If you're seated there is no assistance given to the shoulders by the legs, and after a few sets you'll find the muscles in the shoulders really do start to burn. There are no prizes for lifting the heaviest weights. I do despair when I see the young guys at our gym and their training methods. Don't get me wrong, I'm really pleased that they're in the gym and trying to improve their bodies, but they could achieve a lot more if only they would lose the 'macho' approach - you know what I mean; the use of weights that are too heavy to have any real effect, the incorrect form, lack of intensity, treating the training session as a social event (why do they have to bring their mobile phones into the gym?) ..... I could go on.
Back to the shoulders - start off using comfortable weights. Learn how to lift them, experience the feel of them, and watch the motion of your arms and shoulders in the mirrors. Do each exercise slowly and make each repetition count. I frequently use weights that would be scoffed at by others, but if done correctly and with proper form even 'lighter' weights can produce killer workouts. The key principle here is to learn how to lift weights correctly. This is where good training partners are a major plus - encourage your partner to be positively critical. You want them to comment on your form, you want their assistance, you want their advice - and don't forget to reciprocate when you're doing the spotting. If you don't have a partner then use the mirrors.
Get over the initial narcissistic feeling and learn how to use the mirrors to really enhance your training. Your training must be consistent, but avoid the tendency to over-train. Personally, I find it best to train with weights three days a week, do some cardio work and a few abs on another three days of the week, and have one day as a complete rest day. If unsure about the types of exercises you should be doing or if you require information about routines then go to my website at
Graham Bray
Although a scientist and educator by profession, I have had a lifelong interest in fitness and weight training. My passion is to demystify the processes involved, and get more people to effectively follow a healthy lifestyle


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