The Way to Get Top Fitness and Strength Training Results For Women

There isn't one clear cut answer to being in the best shape of your life...after all it's a lifestyle choice. When it comes to looking great it boils down to your nutrition habits and the fitness and strength training programs that you use.
Of course you want fast results, which is why worthless infomercial exercise programs and machines keep popping up and keep making people money. But these aren't the answer, to really get great results and to make them last that will have you not only looking amazing but also feeling amazing is to start implementing a plan of action that works.
Fitness and Strength Training
If you're spending your workouts running miles on a treadmill, biking to no place in particular or pushing the pedals of an elliptical for the length of your favorite show then STOP. This type of steady state cardio isn't the answer and actually promotes fat storage!
The answer is having a strength training program. Now if you're worried that working out with weights is going to cause you to bulk up have no fear! Women have nowhere near the amount of muscle building hormones (testosterone) that men have... so it isn't in the cards (there are a few rare exceptions due to genetics).
Weight training of course builds lean, tone muscle but it also revs up your metabolism into a fat burning furnace. Not just during the workout but hours after you've left the gym. Plus it builds strong bones, prevents injuries, strengthens joints and gives you energy!
With the right programs, your fitness will go through the roof and you'll look amazing after just a few weeks. For an extra bit of info... just one pound of muscle burns up to 50 calories per day! That's because muscle needs energy to grow and stay healthy, so it eats your fat up!
More Help To A Great Figure
Increase your fitness and strength training results even more with proper nutrition... a clean eating diet. Sounds like a pain in the tush but once again it's just a lifestyle change that can be made slowly over time.
I don't agree with the books telling you to change over night. If you've had the same habits for years what makes me think I can change them over night? No way, Jose. But some steps to a new lifestyle can be made.
What is clean eating? 
Taking out processed foods, and filling up on healthy, natural foods that were made to go into the body, Not chemically processed foods that could cause rats to fall over dead. Harsh, but true.
To get the results you're craving there isn't anyway around the fact you have to give up on the dream of infomercials promising an over night "only takes 5 minutes a day" routine and start taking steps to a new life. Once you get started it's a new habit that you'll love! Your women's fitness life will change you and your body!
For more info on getting a great fitness and strength training program from Taylor Ryan, NASM Certified personal trainer visit her all women's blog at and find out how you can get training for just a buck.


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