Could Snowboarding Be Your New Passion?

By Nicola Crocker

If you are looking for a new hobby that will challenge and fulfil you; introduce you to new and like-minded friends with the opportunity of global travel and limitless excitement, surely snowboarding is the option for you. Here we will look at the top five reasons to give snowboarding a go!

See the World - Possibly the most exciting reason on this list, the opportunity to travel the world and see new places is a huge draw for people looking to start learning. With resorts in France, Belgium and Switzerland, snowboarding is a great excuse to see places that you would have perhaps overlooked when planning previous breaks or holidays. It's not just Europe either; Canada is famous for its majestic slopes and even the U.S.A has popular resorts so it can be easy to combine this new hobby with your usual holiday. So - whereas now you get up to go and grind out the same regime at the gym, imagine getting up to hit the slopes for hours of excitement instead.

Exercise - Snowboarding is great exercise and a good way to keep fit. If you are new to the sport and looking to either lose a bit of weight or simply tone up, you must prepare your body for what it is about to be thrown into. It can be challenging at first as it demands not only your body to be in good condition but also your mind - as it can require some intense concentration at times. Having said that, the fulfilment you will feel after completing a full day on the slopes will be unrivalled and if your body aches, it only means that it's working! Snowboarding is great for getting your legs and tummy in shape due to the constant use of your legs and hips to help maneuver you down the slopes too. It can also be a great way to improve your coordination, even if you do need a few falls to get you there!

Friends - Meeting new people who like the same activities as you is a great way to start solid friendships and you will find it easy to meet like-minded people on winter sports holidays. Just a cursory look at some forums on the subject will show you just how easy it is to get advice and tips, as well as comprehensive reviews, from all manner of people at varying levels of knowledge meaning you will always be able to find someone's personal experience to relate to. It has become very popular in recent years for gap year students to take on roles as chalet hosts at resorts and spend the season meeting people, enjoying the night life and learning a new skill. Thousands of people enjoy skiing and snowboarding so you can be sure to make some good friends and lasting memories the more resorts you travel to.

Involving your Family - Another reason snowboarding could be a good choice for your new fitness regime is that you can involve your whole family in the activity. Pretty much all winter sports resorts offer excellent facilities for children, with instructors giving easy to follow lessons, so your kids will feel comfortable taking part in this new pastime. It can be a great way for families to bond as well as getting together for a physical activity, something that can be quite rare in today's society! The scenery will be awe-inspiring for children who can be mesmerised by the thought of snow and it presents the opportunity for fun and games, giving your family some amazing memories whilst also keeping them fit.

Can I keep it up? So you went on your first snowboarding holiday and you got the bug, maybe you are already planning your next trip? How long and how far can you go with your newfound passion? With hundreds of destinations to choose from you will be able to see parts of the world you might never have thought of visiting. Also, snowboarding is a trick sport and there are loads of different moves you can learn, making your time on the slopes more diverse and challenging. Snowboarding can really be a passion you can take with you for the rest of your life so why not introduce yourself to a new lifestyle?

There are so many reasons why snowboarding could be the perfect hobby for you. You can take it as seriously as you wish, either choosing to use your holiday to relax by the fire with the odd hour on the slope or you can go full throttle using the latest gear and equipment, there really is no set way to get involved so have a go and see if you enjoy it!

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