Live Better By Making Your Personal Homemade Water Ionizer!

By Michael Hickmon

Some people make a big deal about drinking alkaline water. Have you ever wondered why you may need one or if there is a cheaper, easier way to get one for yourself? They are expensive and healthier for you than regular tap water. Did you know that you can build your own homemade ionizer water with ease? This will give you all the benefits without the cost and you can buy a book that tells you how to build it for very little out of pocket expense to you.

Getting regular water with alkaline can cost you big money; sometimes as much as $5,000.00 for a basic water system. When you build your own, you won't have the big expense just to get it started. This will make it much easier for you to commit to helping your family to improve their overall health. You also won't have to worry so much about what happens when it breaks down and doesn't do the job it is supposed to right.

There are many videos and books that supposedly tell you how to create your own homemade water ionizers. Most are confusing, hard to understand or incomplete instructions. They don't tell you all you need to know to make it the right way. With this book, you won't be left wondering what step you should do next. It's detailed about all the reasons you should turn your own water into alkaline water and how to go about it once started on it.

Most people are aware of the fact that drinking water every day can decrease your chances of developing cancer and now you can do just that while drinking water that tastes good. However, your benefits will go beyond taste. You will be improving your body's overall health if you start drinking alkaline water. This is due to the fact that drinking unprocessed sea salt, especially "Tri-Salts" brand, will give you magnesium, potassium and calcium which we are all aware can be good for us.

By adding sodium which is normally not in normal drinking water to Tri-Salts with all it gives you, you will gain various benefits. This includes steadier heart beats, stronger teeth, steady blood pressure, better metabolism, more energy, stronger bones and improved muscles and nerves. All will increase your overall health.

Did you know that when you learn how to build a homemade ionizer you can lose weight? This is due to the fact that alkaline helps to restore our body's normal pH balance and makes it less acidic. By eliminating the excess acids your body won't need to have extra fat to use as storage areas for that excess acid. This is also good because by giving your body ionized alkaline water you will feel more energetic and you will age slower. This book can tell you not only how to make alkaline water the right way so that it tastes good but you will find out what you should avoid doing with your system.

You will be amazed by the benefits of using a homemade ionizer water system that contains acid. You shouldn't drink it but you can use it to water your garden and it also works well to clean your home and your body. This book will explain how to using acidic water can help you as well as how to make it work the right way for whatever you may need it for.

Beyond that, you will also have a full set of detailed instructions on how to build your own. These are not directions that will get you half way through the process and then leave you hanging and if you need more information, you will be able to see more than 40 various videos to show you more. You will not ever find a more thorough book on how to improve your drinking water and the water you get will be the best drink you could ever ask for. This is important because most people aren't drinking the water that they should drink daily. No one likes the flavor of their regular tap water and the main reason for this is the fact that it doesn't have proper ionization.

Why not do you and your family a favor by creating water that they will want to drink so that everyone in your home can get their recommended 6-8 glasses a day? Buy the book and learn how to build your own homemade water ionizer for less than $10.00. It will be money well spent when you start improving your family's health by drinking more and better water!

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